The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie had an unforgettable debut at the Annecy Animation Festival in France on Tuesday night. Director Pete Browngardt and Warner Bros. Animation president Sam Register were present to introduce the highly anticipated film. Starring classic Looney Tunes characters Porky Pig and Daffy Duck, both voiced by Eric Bauza, the movie comes from Warner Bros. Animation and is expected to hit theaters later this year, though a specific release date has not yet been announced.
The film was met with enthusiastic laughter and applause throughout its screening, particularly during scenes showcasing Porky and Daffy’s childhoods and their humorous job-seeking adventures. The plot revolves around the duo’s efforts to thwart a powerful alien’s plan to conquer Earth, with Porky’s budding romance with Petunia Pig (voiced by Candi Milo) adding to the complications.
Browngardt, known for his work on Uncle Grandpa, shared his excitement about presenting the film at Annecy, marking his fifth attendance at the festival. “This project has been a labor of love for me and the entire team of artists involved,” Browngardt remarked. “I hope all the Looney Tunes fans enjoy what we’ve created.”
He added, “It’s been a long journey. We spent four years on this 2D-animated film, pouring our hearts and souls into it. I hope everyone enjoys it tonight.”
Register commended Browngardt’s dedication and vision for the project, stating, “Annecy is the perfect venue for this premiere because of the significance of the Looney Tunes characters. This film is important to us and to the animation community. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to bring a full-length animated Looney Tunes movie to life than Pete Browngardt.”
The Day the Earth Blew Up is notable as the first fully animated Looney Tunes feature slated for a theatrical release. Its premiere follows Warner Bros.’ recent decision to shelve Coyote vs. Acme, a hybrid live-action and CGI film featuring Wile E. Coyote, John Cena, and Will Forte.